Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Look Uncle Blake!

Okay, so heres our special post for uncle Blake, (for those of you who don't know, he's a dental student at Case Western in Ohio) So Tayson had a really bad day today, first he woke up at 4:00 this morning because his tummy hurt. Ty made a little bed for him on the couch and stayed up to watch the cars movie for a while. He stayed home from Preschool, he was really sad about that because it was supposed to be face painting day. (Luckily they changed it to Friday) then later that morning he was climbing down from our barstools and his feet slipped off the little bar into the middle of the stool, so as he was falling backwards he tried to hold on to the stool. It didn't work so well, because it came crashing down on top of him and whopped him right in the mouth. His tooth was sticking out way too far and way crooked, not to mention all the blood. Poor kid! He was terrified. Anyways so we ran to the dentist. He said it was displaced and he pushed it back into it's place and put a little bridge on it to hold it there while it got better. He was a super tough kid. I'm so proud of him. Lucky it was a baby tooth, but that one's still gotta last him a few more years. We were supposed to get the bridge thing taken off in two weeks, but tonight he knocked it out!!!! DRAMA! we may have to go through the whole process again tomorrow. I'm going to call the dentist in the morning..... what a FUN day!! Anyhow, uncle Blake, enjoy the pic.


amanda said...
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amanda said...

OK, so I'm obviously a beginner at this. I commented, but then wanted to add more, but then it shows that I deleted something. Anyhow...... here's what I wanted to say: Tayson - hope you're feeling better, and good luck with that tooth!

Heather said...

OH MY GOSH! I am SOOO sorry! that is awful! you poor thing!!!!! that is awful! poor baby!