Friday, August 31, 2007

First day of Preschool

Tayson's first day of Preschool was Monday. He was so excited. So far he has loved every minute of it... he always asks if it's a preschool day today. I can't believe how fast he is growing. I just keep trying to enjoy their youth but it's going by too fast. I didn't cry though, and that's pretty good for me lately. :)
He's trying to show off his cars backpack that he got from Grandma DeeDee for his birthday. He wanted to bring everything with him, notebooks and pencils and stickers and erasers and glue and markers and crayons.... we had to explain that his teacher would already have all that stuff there. He tells Brecken "When you get big enough like me, you can go to preschool too.... Maybe when you turn four"
Then i just threw in this picture 'cause It's cute.


Heather said...

That last pic was SOOO PRECIOUS!! how darling!

NO fair that he gets to go already!!! i am SOO mad still that kayla missed the deadline and NO exceptions by 18 days! NICE! i am like, ummm she is smarter then 1/2 these kids. oh well!

anyways, I AM SOO GLAD he LOVES it! tayson is SOO SUPER SMART>. i am sure he BLEW his teacher away!!! you are such a great mom and teacher!!

love you!

Heather said...

I ALSO Can NOT believe how OLD he is looking! he looks like a BOY! not a little kid anymore.. he is like soo BIG! it is amazing!!! how darling!

Heather said...

You are too cute for words! thanks for your comment! and i feel soo huge! honestly, it is soo frustrating! oh well! at least i am on a better path then with kayla and kynda (weight wise!) hahaha.